Link-uri utile marketing afiliat (iunie 2024)
Știri și articole din iunie 2024 care pot fi de interes pentru un afiliat.
Această rubrică apare lunar și în principiu conține știri și articole de interes unui afiliat. Sunt informații peste care dau prin sursele proprii de informare iar la finalul lunii le împart și cu voi.
* e posibil să vezi mai multe articole despre SEO decât ar fi normal, însă acesta e modul principal prin care fac eu afiliere și asta mă interesează cel mai mult.
Un Google Docs cu cele mai importante analize ale leak-ului Google de luna trecută.
Google testează ad-uri printre rezultatele organice. Nu-i mai satură D-zeu…
S-a aflat cel care a descoperit leak-ul Google. De fapt s-a autodenunțat.
Ziua 1 și Ziua 2 de la MozCon.
Peste 96% din site-urile de pe prima pagină Google au peste 1000 de backlink-uri (de la domenii unice). Whitepress rămâne cea mai rapidă variantă de a face rost de backlink-uri din România.
Interviu cu oficial Google Search.
Pare că Google a luat în vizor site-urile prea optimizate dpdv. SEO.
Analiză care reflectă că Google și-a mutat focusul pe user generated content.
Se pare că o să avem domenii custom de tipul .brand
Cum a fost la Affiliate Summit ediția 1
Cum a fost la dotCommerce România.
Analiză pe 260k termeni de căutare pentru a identifica cum evaluează Google conținutul după noile update-uri.
Interviu cu 20 oameni relevanți de SEO despre leak-ul Google.
Despre link building în SEO-ul zilelor noastre.
Video-uri cu prezentările de la MozCon.
Un whitepaper ușor de răsfoit despre AI în zona de SEO făcut de Zitec.
Conferință SEO în Viena pe 30 octombrie. Merg și eu.
Dacă ai vreun link interesant de împărtășit, lasă-l în comentariu.
Vei primi un email de fiecare dată când postez un articol nou.
Proiect lansat în noiembrie 2021. Este interzisă copierea conținutului fără menționarea sursei.
I have one thing to say. – DEJAN
Wait what? Yes that’s right, I’ve independently discovered the exposed repo and have been studying it in solitude for a considerable amount of time. Dissecting, analysing, mapping, correlating… it was the most fun and exciting time of my SEO career.
The future of ecom seems dark : r/ecommerce
As of late, a lot of brands have been going under like crazy. Even brands run by agencies known for getting results are unable to make the numbers work amidst rising costs, increased commoditization due to globalization renders most consumer goods a sea of the same. The unit economics given the costs of ads and the costs of doing business in relation to the fiercest completion the space has ever seen creates a huge challenge and mega uncertainty.
Marketingul incremental: o abordare centrată pe rezultate în era digitală –
Acest interviu rezumă o discuție despre marketingul incremental. Avinash Kaushik subliniază importanța demonstrării valorii marketingului către conducere. Marketingul incremental oferă o soluție prin măsurarea impactului suplimentar al activităților de marketing, izolate de alți factori care pot influența vânzările.
O ofertă de monitorizat uptime pentru mai multe site-uri ce pare OK:
UptimeMonster – Server & website monitoring | AppSumo
Parlamentul a dat undă verde pentru semnătura electronică în actele juridice / Românii vor putea semna digital în acte oficiale fără a mai pierde timpul la ghișee –
Deputații au adoptat marți, proiectul de lege care stabileşte cadrul legal pentru folosirea semnăturii electronice în actele juridice. Cu alte cuvinte, românii de rând, dar și firmele vor putea transmite cereri, solicitări și diverse acte instituțiilor folosind semnătura digitală, fără a mai fi nevoie de copii semnate pe hârtie sau de drumuri la ghișee. Camera Deputaților este forul decizional, iar legea merge la promulgare.
eCommerce Market in Europe 2024: Top Markets, Market Size, Growth, Revenue & Payments |
After the post-pandemic degrowth in 2022, the European eCommerce market is set to go back on track. Learn more about the top markets, total market size, growth and revenue.
Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and Personal Websites
Some time ago, Hillel Wayne published an article titled Microfeatures I’d like to see in more languages . In this article, he described three kinds of features in programming languages: fundamental features, deeply engrained features, and nice-to-have convenience features. Hillel’s premise was that language designers tend to focus on the first two; however, because the convenience features are relatively low-overhead, it’s easier for them to jump between projects, and they provide a quality-of-life increase.
Google Sheets doubles calculation speed in Chrome, Edge
Behind-the-scenes, Google Sheets is using WasmGC for faster code execution. This new web technology (which is an “extension to the existing WebAssembly specification”) replaces JavaScript.
Can AI perform technical SEO analysis from flat data?
Learn how ChatGPT handles Screaming Frog crawl data and compare its insights to professional SEO tools like Ahrefs.
WordPress Plugins Compromised At The Source – Supply Chain Attack and Wordfence have published warnings about hackers adding malicious code to plugins at the source, leading to widespread infections via updates, an attack that’s being referred to as a Supply Chain Attack.
Mobile-indexing-vLast-final-final.doc | Google Search Central Blog | Google for Developers
We’re embarking on our final last step (that’s the plan!) of our migration to a mobile-first index for Google Search: the small set of sites we’ve still been crawling with desktop Googlebot will be crawled with mobile Googlebot after July 5, 2024. Don’t worry, most websites don’t need to do anything!
Answer Engine Optimisation (AEO): How ecommerce brands can adapt and thrive
Thanks to AI, the way people look for information, and the way it’s presented to them, is currently undergoing a genuinely unprecedented change. In recent months we’ve witnessed the emergence of numerous AI-powered answer engines and the surge of voice search (some 50% of the U.S. population using voice-enabled search each day).
The Real Impact of AI Overviews – by Barry Adams
AIO will likely mean less traffic for many sites, but news appears to be exempt (for now). Plus, a major leak might have revealed many of Google search’s internal workings.
How to track your AI Overviews Inclusions and Traffic Impact [With Results So Far]
AI Overviews were released in the US a couple of weeks ago, and after an initial backlash due to suboptimal results, they have been already updated with better detection mechanisms and filters, for higher quality answers.
Google Will Still Index Sites That Are Not Mobile-Friendly After July 5th
There has been a tremendous amount of confusion around the news that Google will stop indexing sites that are completely inaccessible via a mobile phone after July 5th. Google will index sites that are not mobile-friendly – period. But if your site won’t load at all on a mobile device, it just doesn’t load period, then Google won’t index it.
Study: 96% of sites in Google’s top 10 positions have 1,000+ links from unique domains
Only 0.3% of websites ranking in the top 10 had less than 100 backlinks and none had 50 links or less, according to the new study
Website Pages Don’t Need to Explain What Something Is
There is a common belief that SEO friendly content pages should explain what something is. This stems from SEO rumors like needing to use “people also ask”, repetitions of “topically relevant keywords”, and hitting “minimum word counts”. When doing SEO recoveries and growth campaigns, deleting the headers and explanations of “what XYZ is” this is one of the things we do first on pages.
Latest Ranking Shifts Dashboard via Google Search Console [V4 by @aleyda]